Friday, December 19, 2008

Snowed in on alabama ave<3

The picture to the left is a picture of my street as of today where my apartment is. That was at about 5:00. when we were only at about 4-5 inches. Now were just completely snowed in. In reality we should have maybe went home last night, but because i had work and internship, i was pooped out. As much as were jealous of everyone that was able to head home, me and dan are still having fun. We went for a few walks out in the snow. This afternoon we actually ventured out to shaw's and it was quite an intresting drive there and drive back.

during all the craziness of the weather, my little pumpkin came out of his underground house to say hello and to chew on his paper towel roll that dan so nicely provided for him. I told little man that santa was sending him good gifts this year and he said he wanted more cheerios and better food. I think we can work with that :-) all and all he's doing well, playing all night, sleeping all day.

all and all thanks to a really good chef named dan reich we had a very delicious dinner.
for more pictures you could probably check facebook, they will be up in a little bit.
hopefully we get to hit the road tomorrow, if not im sure i'll keep writing about day 2 lol :-)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I am so glad you are both home safe, happy, and healthy! I am jealous that you got to play in the now before me though!