Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter Trimester.... rediculous

The title of this blog pretty much sums up what my weeks are like. Im basically dead by friday night because i chose to work at my job and do intership all week and have the weekends off. I have wednesday mornings off from my job.. but theres no sleeping in option because of where i live, don't even get me started with that lol anyway, so i start my mornings off at the convience store- aka my part time job from 745am till 12:45. I get to serve meal plan food to the kids that are so unpatient you'd think there wasn't enough food for all of them. We usually get a rush of people in between classes, but thats okay, i don't mind. The thing that pisses me off and it does not matter what shift you work everyone does it..... i hate the kids the come in at the last 10 minutes of meal plan. it's not when there are only a few people... but when they come in groups of 20 and 30. I seriouslly want to quit my job when that happens especially in the morning when im trying to clean up and get out of there to be on time for class. I don't like morning meal plan at the convience store... it's nothing healthy.. so why have it? idk the answer and never will. i do have an easy job.. but stupid kids make it annoying. After im finished at work i have to head over to another meal plan site on campus for my internship. I'd have to say it's about a step up from my job... but i wouldn't get to carried away with that. do i like my internship? not so much... but since jwu "forgot" to put me on the list for internship.. i got whatever they had last minute. all of last week the only thing i did was prep stupid meal plan stuff and wash dishes... this upcoming week im suppose to be on the line.. but i mean i do that at my job... moral of the story... lets hope i get something out of this trimester... cause right now.. im not seeing that light at the end of the tunnel

1 comment:

Wendy said...

The more you and dan share about JWU, the more I wonder how they got the good reputation thay have??

Hang in there!!