Monday, November 24, 2008

we missed the exit.... reunion w/ amie and pupps :-)

this picture was taken about a year ago of me and amie. i've known her forever. as long as i can think back to.. i've been friends with her. she's always been my rock and i've been her's. she would be arguing and loosing friends.. and so would i.. just as our relationship got more solid and stronger. we've been through so much together it's not even funny.. good times. amazing times.. funny times... hilarious times.. scary times... flat out sad times. it's so refreshing to have a friend for that long. i know so many people that would kill for our friendship... oh well. it's something we've worked so hard to have.. but had so much fun in the process. yesterday me and dan met up at the woodbridge mall with her and mel (her girlfriend). we ate lunch at ruby tuesdays and just sat there reminising about everything. dan and mel were like um ok.. while me and amie peed our pants laughing lol. it was great. then we were able to just walk around the mall and chat. laughing and catching up. such a great day with them. i wish i could do it more often. she's my one in a million friend.. always has been.. always will be. your hard pressed to fill her shoes as a best friend :-). after our lovely outing with them.. we headed to dan's house. as soon as i got in the door the lovely trio.. minus migo came up to me sniffing and growling like normal.... maddy running around with the damn chipmunks haha.. lexy sittin in the corner growlin at me and lukiee jumping on me. oh how i missed getting 9 layers of hair all over my pants and clothes hahah. it's totally worth it though.. i love the pups. especially my boyfriend lukie... who cuddled next to me all night. i am looking forward to seeing cait and the return of migo... he will make things more alive at the reich house :-) it was relaxing just to hang out and watch sum t.v.. all and all it was a great day. sometimes i am so busy at school and with classes and everything else going on... i forget about relaxing. so once again it's great to be home...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"dedicated to little man"

I have a new best friend... a puppy named luke may get jealous if he were to get his "paws" on this blog. My new best friend is "little man" or little pumpkin as i tend to call him. I found him at the pet store in west warwick, ri. Although he was sleeping in between the creepiest hamsters alive... i knew he was the one i wanted. Completely white.. with one random grey stripe up his back... this little guy took the cake. I've had him for a few months now... and i swear he just gets more entertaining as the days go by. Currently he is in a tiny cage, but i'd like to change that when i can find him a better home. At my apt in rhode island... he runs free in his little ball at night... me and dan watch him and laugh as he colides into a wall.. or knocks something over. As we continue to watch him... after putting him back in the cage he still never ceases to amaze us... sitting in his food dish to eat... knocking his little tv that i bought for him over... trying to make his wheel fall down.. i still think those two creepy hamsters corrupted him a bit at the pet store. I've had 4 other hamsters.. and although i know the outcome... i still enjoy having one. Little man is currently okay with me rubbing his back.. but when u cross that line he's tryin to nibble ur fingers off. When i leave my apt to go to class or work.. usually i get a face like " don't leave.. i like to know ur here with me" or stay and play kinda look" which brings me to the point of... i don't care what kinda pet owner you are... ur going to talk to your pets.. i've seen it first hand cuz my boyfriend has 4 golden retrievers and i think we all tend to talk to them lol.. i definatly find myself talkin to my little guy too. moral of the story... i love my little man<3>

-First blog-my 21st- Finals- Home

First of all let me just say... this is my first blog ever! i finally decided to jump on the bandwagon of blogging. I thought it was silly,, but let's just say i enjoy reading about other peoples i thought maybe they'd like to get a glimpse into my crazy world.. and crazy mind. lol. Considering im pretty new at this.. i have so much to write about. I just recently celebrated my 21st birthday. it was a great big celebration. considering i was at school when this happened my family decided to come down and join in on the celebrations.... that was pretty intresting.. although it was great to see them... a heads up might have been in order...especially being my 21'st and all lol well all and all it was a great time. cheers to 21. now time to get down to buisness.. FINALS. although i only had two.. they were still enough to keep me busy. plus going into work at 745am for a few mornings... didn't help me when i was trying to study at night. For my public speaking class.. i had to present to the class something that i could demonstrate, after several days of thinking..... i came up with my plan of action. "oreo pudding pie" and guess what? that bad ass pie got me an A on my final. I even offered my teacher a piece and she denied it... i thought are you crazy? lol so i shared with my fellow co-workers at my job. they were appreciative of my pie. I also took another class called dining room earlier in the trimester called dining room 2. it was a 9 day 6 hour lab. wawaweewa was that a long 9 days.. but i passed that class with a B and i was exstatic. my last class this tri was nutrition. i don't even wanna talk about it... lets just say.... i hope to god i passed. when finals were over.. i jumped for joy.. cause were done with the first tri. one more to go as a sophmore.... i still have alot of catching up to do... but for now im finally home in freehold for about a week relaxing... and living up my time to be lazy cuz next trimester is going to be long with internship for 40 hours a week... and working the rest of the time at my job. good times. but ill save that for another blog. :-)